This semester in climate change and public policy we took on the tough issue of population growth and climate change. Why is this such a tough topic to cover: (1) The population growth is occurring for people of color (Yellow, Brown and Black); (2) Areas of Africa through slavery were depopulated at the expense Europe and America; (c) Rising populations of color can envoke either fear or power.
While all of these factors do matter and cannot be ignored, this conversation is about resources for our families, now and for future generations. Each child requires food, clothing and shelter each and every day of their lives -- They also need love. Being able to achieve these feats is a form of love that is not always acknowledged. But the question is where do these resources from? Heating a house, having lights and having fresh water all take energy is not always visible to the user of the resources. Just turn on the light and it is there. But our children and their children will also want to just turn on the lights They will also want heat and want to drive their cars. Can we all do this??? I am not sure, but I see one big traffic jam if 7 billion people have cars. Sure not everyone drives at once or can even drive, but there will be 9 billion people by 2050. Doesn't seem like a lot huh? Well in 1800 there were 1 billion people (1,000,000,000)
today there are 6-7 Billion (6,000,000,000). The amount of energy emission have increased some 1000 fold.
Consider the fact that 2,000,000,000 (billion) people live on less than 2 dollars per day and they do not have cars or lights and maybe not even fresh water... But they want it. In fact everyone wants to live like an American. What does that mean ... The average American person emits about 100 lbs of Carbon dioxide each day. If everyone does this -- Game over. It is the worst case scenario for CO2 emission scenarios.
So where does population enter. When China went to the 1 child per couple issue it seemed like a crazy idea to me. But now that I know that China has 160 cities with over a million people in these cities I am like -- Good idea. China's population is still growing (but also growing American's in lifestyle) and expected to put another 100-200 million folks than it has at present on the Earth in the next 40-50 years. India is expected to put more than 500 million folks on the Earth and the United States probably another 40 million more than present. The minorities (African and Hispanic American) of today in the United States will be the Majority in 2050. But the question remains, will their lives be better off??? Will they enjoy the same things that we today? Will they be able to enjoy those things and possibly have to adapt to a changing climate??
I believe that each person has the right to choose for children on their own, but we have to get out the mindset that we have infinite resources or that everyone has access to basic resources. I think that every person has the right to water and light but many people do not have access to it. I believe that our future generations should also have the right to it. Each of us is responsible for making this happen.
In today's fast moving society, young people are often left behind on issues such as population growth, and resources. Many want children but have not taught to think about it from a resource point of view. But that is because we are just doing as we were taught. One day however, we won't be able to do this. We have to face this reality. We will have to think about the lives that we want for our children and the cost of raising them. The cost will be related daily needs (diapers, clothes, college) and the cost to the planet (biodiversity, deforestation, land-use change and greenhouse gases). Then we have to think about are we willing to pay this price before we having children. This all comes back to the simple question of LOVE. Do we love our lives and the things that we have access to? Do we want the same or an even better quality of life for our children and grandchildren? Can we improve the quality of life for many of those on the planet today? Are we willing to create sustainable livelihoods for everyone? Are will willing to risk future generations to a warmer world, rising sea level, drought, floods and stronger hurricanes?? If we love our children, grandchildren, cousins, nephews, nieces and humanity them you already know the answer, consciousness and the action that is required.
Dr. J,
ReplyDeleteAfter introducing me to Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel as well as Collapse in 2006, I will do my best to return the favor and recommend World on the Edge as well as Global Warring. Both deal with issues that we will have to face in the coming decades. Both show the grim futures that we will almost certainly face if we continue with business as usual, but also provide roadmaps and insights into avoiding the "tipping point" in terms of population. It is difficult to think that we will have to think in terms of Malthusian theory when it comes to our own species.