
Sunset in a Senegalese Village

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Beyond the Tipping point - Organized Violence

As I reported yesterday, the situation was going downhill with the protest against the Electric company. However, by 8 PM there were fires that were set ablaze in many different areas. There was a big blue city bus that had been set on fire and it was blocking all of the traffic. By the time I finished dinner, there were fires that had been set in many, many areas of the city. I heard that tear gas was fired in some parts of the city but I cannot confirm.

See more on the BBC site:

This is an organized kind of violence. The people may be using facebook, twitter or sms to organize. This is beyond anything that the older generation is use to. This is different in Egypt because there was organized protest at Tahrir square against the government. This protest is organized not at one focal point but seems to be many. They are not protesting with words, they are acting with fire. I am sure that there will be a response by the government because they cannot ignore the safety of innocent people.

I leave here on Friday, for one of the few times, I can say yes I want to leave. I have students here that I must protect and I don't like to see this type of organized violence. I came here to do research that can benefit the people of Senegal. After we set up our instruments today and go to the village tomorrow, I will have completed the task.

My gut tells me that it will get worse unless the president resigns or says that he will not run in 2012. These young people are pushing for change but their technique while surprising is dangerous.

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