
Sunset in a Senegalese Village

Friday, September 27, 2013

September 27, 2013.Nothing in Vain...UPLIFT THE MECCA: Facing the Power that defines Howard's current reality

Its ON:  Friday September 27th 2013 Protest in front of Cramton Auditorium. 

Sometimes it seems that no matter what happens to university life, we must follow the flow of the river.  This river carries us towards a corporate model, where people (students, staff, faculty and alumni) are seen only as a source of income or a source of expense.  This is not much different than our ancestors for the last 500 years.  Yet the daughters and sons of the enslaved carry a latent energy source within that can only be triggered when the essence of our very soul is endangered.

In the last 4 months, our souls have faced peril, beginning with the Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees (BOT) suggesting the Howard would not be here in 3 years unless certain issues were addressed. Since then, story after story in new media outlets have sent us news of our impending end.  Yet, the chair of the BOT, President, CFO and others have said that we are not in danger.   They have preached only of good news ... balanced budgets, healthy endowment, new buildings ...

But they have not spoken about the poor morale of the university, a financial strategy to address the challenging times including sequestration or the losses of the hospital.  They have not addressed how outdated many of our classroom are, the poor research facilities, the broken business processes, new software that leaves students on the brink of eviction because they cannot get paid. They have not spoken about the debt burden that students have taken because of a 40.5% increase in undergraduate and 60% increase in graduate education over the last five year.   They have not spoken about the change in ranking from 96 in 2009 to 142 in 2013 an how that may weaken the perceived value of education and granted degrees at Howard University.  They have not spoken about the furloughs at the hospital, the suspension of our retirement funds for 3-4 months during the spring and early summer.   The have not spoken about how the 290 million dollars in bonds were downgraded and what that means.    Our souls have absorbed this news, hoping and hoping until one day.  We stop hoping.  We start believing in the voice of action......

After President Ribeau wrote a response to a Op editorial in the Washington post, internal anger from within said no more.  I don't are about the people outside of Howard, the administration or the BOT, I care about the students, staff, faculty and Alumni that love the university.   On September 4th, I sent a letter to the President, CFO and Secretary to the BOT, Provost and Deans letting them know that a petition was being started, which demanded answers from them about the state of the university.

Since that time, more than 400 students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends have signed the electronic petition.   But this is not just about a petition, it is about change.   The real source of power at Howard University is the BOT.  They are responsible for overseeing all of the financial matters and approving all policies at Howard University.  This group is largely absent from campus and yet responsible for everything it seems.  When they come to campus, they meet only with selected people and it is almost impossible to ask for an audience with them.  They have unlimited tenure and can remain for long periods of time.  Who are they accountable to?  They select the president or CFO with no vetting from the larger community.  The real power is on the executive committee where all of the real and lasting decisions are made.  I do not believe that even the Howard faculty and student trustees can sit in on the executive sessions.  A few years ago, the BOT chair, Barry Rand came to faculty senate retreat.  He spoke, and then arrogant.   How can he be the CEO of AARP????  Trustee Vernon Jordan Where are you???? We need your help!!

The next step was a silent protest when the BOT came to campus for fall convocation.    When I suggested this earlier in the summer, it was met by stiff resistance from some faculty who said that it would be more negative news.  But what about our voice????  Why should we just continue to internalize all of the stuff that others have brought upon us?  Meanwhile, groups and individuals such as the HU2016 and beyond, and editorials from Cameron Clarkson.. a talented senior at the Hilltop newspaper, Anthony Miller, president of HUSA were working to bring about change on numerous issues at HU.  Working with these talented individuals made the protest possible.  Small groups of us worked on protest signs Wednesday and Thursday.

Finally, Friday September 27 from Noon-1 PM the missing energy and feelings came back as students, staff and faculty spoke and chanted slogans. The Howard University police were real cool..Thanks Chief James.  Then at 12:45 pm the President, his cabinet and the BOT emerged.  At that time we all chanted SOLUTIONS ... NOT EXCUSES.  The president and provost looked so stoic and the BOT looked at us with surprise.    In facing them, we faced our internal fear.

Now change is possible.

Next Step.  continue to get the petition signed.  Demand a response to the petition.  Work for greater transparency and accountability with the BOT and administration... have the BOT meet with the community and not selected individuals...MAKE HOWARD A UNIVERSITY AGAIN.....MAKE THE BOT HUMAN AGAIN....AMEND THE CHARTER.....

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Tropical Depression 9 Threatens Cape Verde tonight

Sunday 4:45 EST Tropical Depression 9 just West of Cape Verde Islands
Over the last 4 days, me and my colleagues in Senegal, Cape Verde, Guinea and Gambia have been following a wave that began in Northern Ivory Coast last Wednesday and emerged off the coast of West Africa last night.  The best computer forecast models from Europe, the US and Canada and our own model simulations at Howard U and San Jose State U have suggested that a tropical cyclone would develop.  There were numerous problems with the forecast because it is extremely difficult to model how these disturbances make their transition from land to ocean.  Yesterday the models were saying that Cape Verde Islands would be impacted by this storm on Monday and Tuesday.  Today it was clear, that the impacts would begin tonight and tomorrow.  Tonight the first rainbands are on their way into the Capital of Cape Verde, Praia which has the largest population.  However, the entire country will be impacted by the storm although the southern islands will be impacted the most.

The real problem with this region is that there are very few observations, there are no aircraft to go and investigate the storm, there are no radars to know where the center of the storm is at.   While the storm was over land, satellite based rainfall estimates show very heavy rain falling over Senegal, it is impossible to warn people to get out of the way because everything happens in real time.   It is imperative that we build an observation network in Africa, first and foremost to save lives second to improve the model forecasts.    This has been a very strange year, with dry occurring over central parts of West Africa (Sahel) and wet conditions in coastal regions.  The African easterly waves are developing further south, where there are few observations and then strengthening at the coast.

Our very best models must be initialized with good observations.  Sadly in 2013 this is still not possible in much of Africa.  What are we waiting for????