Carbon emission have risen steeply over the last 4 decades, while the rate warming of the planet has also increased over the same time. Carbon emissions go hand in hand with economic growth. The problem is that we are playing with a climate system that we don't fully understand and probably never will. When scientists talk about "dangerous climate change" this is not given serious consideration in the United States because we feel that we are the most powerful nation on Earth. Well that may be true militarily and economically but sorry, we are no match for nature. Wildfires, hurricanes, drought, tornadoes, heat waves and flooding care nothing about borders or leaders.
Over the next three decades, leader and people of the world must develop a policy and transform economies to reduce carbon emissions -- otherwise it will have to done more drastically in the middle 21st century. Most of us say "so what, I am just trying to make it today." True that, but look in the eyes of your children or grandchildren and make that statement. You will not be here to see what they have to face and they will have to address climate change head on. The signs are all around us, but we don't seem to pay attention. Somehow we think that the problem will go away.
This year, the Arctic Sea Ice coverage reached its lowest values. Crazy thing is that we are watching this happening and companies are thinking about how to exploit and open Arctic. Messing with fire...
Arctic Sea Ice October 15, 2012. Purple line is Median value |
Within 24 hours, the 19th named tropical cyclone (Tony) is likely to form over the Tropical Atlantic. Tonight, Tropical Storm Sandy is in the Caribbean and likely to affect Jamaica, Haiti, the Bahamas and possibly parts of the United States over the next few days. The normal number of tropical systems is approximately 10-11, but recent years have averaged many more than this. There is no conclusive proof from observations that the increase in the number of tropical storms are linked to climate change, but we should be wary of what we are witnessing.
Tropical Storm Sandy (Monday October 22nd over the Caribbean) |
The discussion on climate change needs to come to the forefront now. If not now, when -- 2016, 2020, 2024. We are on an unsustainable path with it comes to carbon emissions and future climate change. We must slow down our emissions or else. This is not only about American Jobs, it is about humanity and the future of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren no matter where they inhabit the Earth.
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