Driving up to Philadelphia today the speed limit said 65 MPH. But folks were blowing by me like I was walking in the latest, greatest SUV and nice sport cars. For some reason, the word limit doesn't make much sense to us on the highway. It does when we see credit card limit (because we get the reject and have that embarrassed look at Best Buys). Going much faster than the speed limit means a possible ticket, and also a possible accident. But it seems as if folks don't realize that as you increase your speed you burn more gas. More gas means less efficiency and a faster trip to the gas station. It means more oil must be consumed from overseas and increases our dependency on oil. Unfortunately, it also means a bigger greenhouse gas footprint. While we can't see the CO2 being emitted from our tailpipes it is still being emitted. The continued increase in greenhouse gas emission it going to put the burden on your kids, grandkids and great grandkids.
So slowing down means conservation, less dependency of foreign oil, a reduced greenhouse gas footprint, few tickets, a better chance of reaching home safely which ultimately will increase your chances of survival now and creating a more sustainable world for those that follow us after we leave this beautiful planet.
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